The grant may be used for various types of research applications, including applications for Horizon Europe. The research topic must deal with Europe, European conditions, and/or questions of clear European relevance. It may not deal with phenomena that will be studied exclusively in individual European states, unless explicitly and analytically linked to a broader European relevance.
Only researchers employed by Lund University can apply for the grant. Priority is given to collaborative projects where the European research is multidisciplinary and involves more than one faculty. The grant can be used either for the applicant’s own work or for the employment of an assistant. CFE normally funds a maximum of one month’s salary for one researcher.
The grant is to be used during the autumn semester 2025 and/or spring semester 2026.
The application should include the following:
- Information regarding the applicant’s employment and a written confirmation from the head of department that the application is supported by the department and that the department is able to host the project.
- A project description (research question, structure, and general approach – maximum three pages), a list of international and/or national partners, and a preliminary time schedule.
- A short CV for the applicant (maximum 2 pages) and information about co-applicants.
- Requested amount of funding.
The application should be sent through this form. The application deadline is April 28, 2025.
The applications will be reviewed by the CFE board at the end of May 2025. The decision will be announced shortly after that.
Grant recipients are expected to follow the principles of accounting that have been decided by the CFE board. More information about this will be sent to successful applicants.
For more information, please contact the Director of CFE, Jörgen Hettne (jorgen [dot] hettne [at] har [dot] lu [dot] se).